

Market Prospects of Fresh Air Systems

In recent years, people have advocated for an energy-saving and environmentally friendly living environment. To improved people’s living quality, and promoted “energy conservation and emission reduction” in the construction industry. And with the increasing airtightness of modern buildings and the increasing attention paid to PM2.5, the importance of indoor air quality has gradually been emphasized. Therefore, fresh air systems have entered people’s vision, and the market prospects of fresh air systems are broad and generally optimistic.

In the World Health Report released by the World Health Organization, indoor air pollution is clearly listed as one of the top ten factors threatening human health. According to the World Health Organization, nearly half of the world’s population is exposed to indoor air pollution, with 35.7% of respiratory diseases, 22% of chronic lung diseases, and 24.5% of lung cancer caused by indoor air pollution.

The fresh air system is a pursuit of high-quality living in modern society and the most effective solution to air pollution. The fresh air system has various advantages that other ventilation methods do not have. In high-rise apartments, high-end office buildings, and hotels, it can not only replace the screen windows, making the building more beautiful, but also greatly reducing property management costs and increasing the functionality of the building, bringing owners a healthy, peaceful, and comfortable living environment.

In developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom, the proportion of the fresh air industry in the gross domestic product has reaches 2.7%. The fresh air system in Europe has been widely used for over 40 years. In many developed countries such as France, fresh air systems have become a standard facility system for buildings. There are corresponding regulations in Japan, and the installation of fresh air system is mandatory.

With the continuous increase in population and the expansion of urban areas, there will be more and more high-rise buildings in the future. In order to ensure people’s indoor health, fresh air systems are essential, and the prospects of fresh air systems are also becoming increasingly broad.


Sichuan Guigu Renju Technology Co., Ltd.

Post time: Jan-12-2024