


artVentilation principle

The fresh air system is based on using specialized equipment to supply fresh air indoors on one side of a closed room, and then discharging it outdoors from the other side. This creates a "fresh air flow field" indoors, thereby meeting the needs of indoor fresh air exchange. The implementation plan is to use high air pressure and high flow fans, rely on mechanical strength to supply air from one side indoors, and use specially designed exhaust fans from the other side to exhaust air outdoors to force the formation of a new airflow field in the system. Filter, disinfect, sterilize, oxygenate, and preheat the air entering the room while supplying air (in winter).


Firstly, use fresh outdoor air to update indoor air polluted by residential and living processes, in order to maintain the cleanliness of indoor air to a certain minimum level.

The second function is to increase internal heat dissipation and prevent discomfort caused by skin moisture, and this type of ventilation can be called thermal comfort ventilation.

The third function is to cool down building components when the indoor temperature is higher than the outdoor temperature, and this type of ventilation is called building cooling ventilation.


1) You can enjoy the fresh air of nature without opening windows;

2) Avoid "air conditioning diseases";

3) Avoid indoor furniture and clothing from getting moldy;

4) Removing harmful gases that can be released for a long time after indoor decoration, which is beneficial to human health;

5) Recycle indoor temperature and humidity to save heating costs;

6) Effectively eliminate various indoor bacteria and viruses;

7) Ultra quiet;

8) Reduce indoor carbon dioxide concentration;

9) Dust prevention;

Post time: Nov-24-2023